Sunday, 17 June 2012

My Menopause Age

My Menopause Age

How Do I Determine My Menopause Age?
For most women, reaching the end of the reproductive years is a natural cycle. The beginning of the menopause age is usually marked when the menstrual cycle stops for about a year. The average age in the United States range from early to mid fifties. Some women may experience pre menopause symptoms in their early thirties. However, no two women are alike and each woman can tell their own story.
Signs and Symptoms of Menopause
There are many symptons of menopause which may be a different experience for women. Some women may not notice any types of signs while others may notice mood swings, menopause hot flush, weight gain after menopause, and others.
Look at the images below for symptoms of menopause. Does it look familiar? Just to name a few: short term memory, mood swings, hot flushes, dizziness, and bloating... It's all part of the natural process of menopause. Don't worry, you are not the only one going through this phase. Visit my site often as I add more educational information to help women understand their body and seek healthier choice to improve their lifestyle.
Alternative Treatment for Menopause
Why use alternative treatment for menopause when hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be used as a standard treatment? Because the traditional synthetic estrogen and progestins increases the risk of breast cancer and heart disease. Now a days, the health care industry does not routinely ask or prescribe for estrogen replacement therapy. As women are informed and educated about the side effects, more women are seeking natural alternative treatments.
Menopause and Sex
Hormone fluctuation may cause many symptoms including lack of self image and sex drive. There are many therapies available such as hormonal treatments using estrogen or progesterone. However, there are risk and side effects if used for a long time. Natural and alternative menopause treatments such as changing your diet, exercising regularly and lifestyle are healthier choices.
Menopause Cartoons
Menopause cartoonist can bring laughter, joy, and fun for women. I experience hot flashes especially when I am stressed out. When people around me complain about being cold, I am hot and sweating. The following image is provided by Mike @ who is multi talented in drawing cartoons and art.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Menopause Treatment For Those Who Do Not Want Hormones

For those who are going through menopause and would like to avoid hormones there are many things that may help. Here are some suggestions for how to deal with the problems that I call the big three; hot flashes, insomnia and weight gain.
Hot Flashes
Two thirds of menopausal women suffer from hot flashes. Twenty percent find them insufferable. Hot flashes actually make you feel like you are igniting from the inside out. You can soak your shirt in the blink of an eye. This can be quite embarrassing and downright uncomfortable. What to do?
• Believe it or not there are certain foods that may help stop the hot flashes. A recent study found that eating a half-cup of soy nuts and dividing them up into three or four portions a day cut hot flashes in half. Another study found that keeping a steady blood sugar by eating frequent meals during the day decreased flashing.
• Exercise can reduce body mass and that can decrease the number of hot flashes.
• If these measures fail, there are medications such as SSRI antidepressants that may reduce hot flashes. Herbs such as black cohosh are a popular remedy. Study results have been equivocal. It has helped some of my patients but not others. Certain alternative therapies such as acupuncture and meditation also can help you beat the heat.
Many women find that during and after menopause they have difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep.
• The key is to avoid caffeine and alcohol several hours before bedtime.
• I have found that hypnosis is very effective for helping people get to sleep and fall back to sleep if they wake up in the middle of the night.
• Supplements such as theanine and tryptophan may also be useful.
• It is important to discuss this problem with your doctor. Make sure that any supplement you take is safe with other medications you may have been prescribed.
Weight gain
At menopause, women start to lose muscle at a precipitous rate. This along with slowing metabolism can contribute to weight gain. However, this does not mean it is inevitable.
• Aerobic exercise, strength training and healthy eating can keep menopausal women from gaining weight.
• Hypothyroidism occurs in a large percentage of women at menopause. It is important to have your thyroid function checked if you are gaining weight. Many of the symptoms are similar to menopause so it can be missed.
Menopause can be very manageable without hormones. The key is to eat well, exercise and find a physician who can work with you in partnership to help relieve your symptoms. And remember,
“There is no more creative force in the world than the menopausal woman with zest.” Margaret Mead
It is time to go out there and get some zest!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Pre Menopause Symptoms

Pre Menopause Symptoms

The symptoms that signal the beginning of pre menopause are well known and easy to identify.  They are
  1. Changes in your menstrual cycle and menstrual flow
  2. The onset of hot flashes and night sweats
We’ll say more about each of these groups of symptoms below.  But first, let’s look at when you can expect to begin to have these symptoms.  Perimenopause means “around menopause” and is defined by doctors as the time period of 5 or more years when you are having pre menopause symptoms, but are continuing to have monthly periods.  “Pre menopause” is anytime before menopause.
Women generally experience the onset of pre menopause symptoms after age 40.  The average age is age 43.  But menopause related complaints such as those above can begin as early as age 35.
Now let’s look at pre menopause symptoms.

Changes in your menstrual cycle and menstrual flow.

If your menstrual cycle has been a consistent number of days in length, you may begin to become erratic.  The time between menstrual periods can  become longer or shorter.  The length of time can be erratic, varying each month.
Your menstrual periods may also change.  Your monthly flow may be greater or less, or last longer or not as long.  You may also have spotting between periods.

Hot flashes and night sweats.

Hot flashes usually start during menstrual periods.  They are experienced as a wave of heat that usually starts in the chest, moves into the front of neck and face, and finally into the scalp.  Sometimes they start as a surge of energy and heat beginning in the toes and feet, moving up the body, ending in the face and scalp.
The wave of heat (the hot flash) is followed by sweating.  Sweating can be mild or profuse.  When hot flashes occur at night, one often is sleeping during the hot flash and awakes after the sweating feeling chilled and drenched in perspiration.  This is where the term night sweats comes from.  They are really just hot flashes at night time.

Behind the symptoms of pre menopause.

Pre menopause symptoms result from alterations in the level of sex hormones in our body.  As the ovaries begin to shut down, their production and secretion of progesterone and estrogen drops.  When this occurs the brain secretes its own stimulatory hormones, trying to get the level of estrogen and progesterone back up again.  The resulting body wide disruption of hormone levels starts the symptoms of pre menopause, most commonly changes in the monthly cycle and the beginning of hot flashes.

Remedies for pre menopause symptoms.

Some of the best relief for pre menopause symptoms comes from herbs that replenish the dropping sex hormones with similar acting plant hormones.  Plant derived estrogens, called phytoestrogens have been shown to be especially helpful.  Traditional herbal remedies use herbs such as red clover, chaste berry, soy lignans and black cohosh.  An herbal menopause remedy that is not well known in the United States has been used for more than a decade in Europe and is extremely effective is Siberian rhubarb root extract.
Eating foods that are rich in plant estrogens is another way to begin to get relief from pre menopause symptoms.  Two foods taht are high in plant estrogens are soy and flax seed.  In Japan, where the diet is high in soy products, women experience only a fraction of the menopause complaints that American women do.


Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Tools and Tips for Internet Marketing

Tools and Tips for Internet Marketing
If you own a website which isn't generating enough sales, it's probably you aren't doing any internet marketing. Effective internet marketing is vital behind a working website. Following are some tips to improve your website's result.
If you don't know the number of visitors arriving at your website, then you aren't effectively marketing your site. Install website analytics software on your website. This is a vital internet marketing tool. The software will reveal the whereabouts of your visitors and measure their activity.
Keyword research
For attracting visitors to your website you have to understand how internet surfers scour for a product. The Google keyword tool can give you a fair idea about it. Just enter your desired keyword (often termed as a seed keyword) in the search box of Google and you'll get related keywords. Try incorporating these keywords in your text.
Marketing tips and strategies
There are several strategies for generating traffic to your site. The most widely used strategy is called search engine optimization. The goal of search engine optimization is to make your website feature high on the search engine result page. To employ search engine optimization, you have to write articles that contain your keywords and then place the articles on your website and also in other directories for articles. You can generate traffic to your website from the people who read the articles and click on the link on your site. Put some links on your website from other websites. You can pay for the advertisements of Google Ad Words so that your advertisements appear on the first page of Google when the advertisement is related to the keywords of the articles. You can make and then place videos in a free YouTube account also and link the videos in your website. You can also place your web address at the end of the video.
If you have scarcity of time or knowledge to execute internet marketing yourself, you can hire a search engine optimization (SEO) expert. You can also outsource the strategies that you have outlined to others. However, hiring an SEO expert is the best option. You can visit our site
Remember, internet marketing is critical to the success of your business on the web. You have to accomplish it with due diligence. Any lack in the strategies that you have taken could make your website less visible across the internet. This could lead to less traffic and less revenues

Can Internet Marketing Be a Long Term Business?

Can Internet Marketing Be a Long Term Business?
Tanaka Ara

Here is the basic honest truth: most of the people get into Internet Marketing because they are convinced it is an easy way to earn quick money. Their approach is to make a fast website, put up some advertising and a few affiliate links and then sit back and watch while they earn real cash. There are a large amount of individuals who do this and also earn lots of money on the internet. But what if you want more than some extra or even quick cash (quick cash, naturally being a misnomer)? Can Internet Marketing really be leveraged to produce a worthwhile and long term career?

The quick and dirty answer is that yes, you are able to make Internet Marketing your long term and sustainable career. You only need to take on the project properly. The procedures and programs you use to build something to earn fast money are not all that different than the methods and systems you will use to build long term profits. So what would you do if you need to develop a sustainable career on the internet?

It is very important that the first thing you do, in order to earn long term money online, is accept the fact that you are going to have to do real work. You will have to do actual and real work on a daily basis and you will have days when you feel fantastic about what you do and days when you wish you could find something else to take on. This causes it to be just about like every other occupation that is out there. If you want to produce lasting cash flow by working lots right now and not at all later on then you are going to be in for a rude awakening in a little while. So be ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

There are a few ventures that lend themselves much better to a long term career than others will. Affiliate marketing, to use one example, is a great task for someone who wants to earn money on a part time basis or to supplement your already existent income. Is it truly possible to earn a full time income in this manner? You could if you pick out only the right products and then work like crazy to promote them. A far better approach, nevertheless, is to create your own products or websites and then promote those. This gives you full control over the projects you take on and how you accomplish them. And you will end up more likely to stick with it in the long run. If you want to give a service on the web this works much the same way. Writers, for example, need to create websites for themselves and create portfolios that they can point to as examples of their work.

Finally, perhaps the most significant thing that you need to recognize is that, when you want to build a long term and reliable income on the internet, you need to truly dedicate yourself to your task. You might have fun and feel rewarded by your efforts but first you should tell yourself "yes, I really want to do this." Making a half hearted effort is not about to get you anywhere.

Taking Care of Your Breasts

Taking Care of Your Breasts
The best way to keep off terminal illnesses like breast cancer and diabetes is to maintain a Healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) throughout a person's life. The BMI should be maintained at a range of 18-25 point. Research shows a significant increase in this cancer in weight gain especially in middle-aged individuals. Elevated BMI also has been known to increase risk of such cancer development, during post-menopause. Excessive alcohol consumption and abuse, has been established as the most dietary factor, which increases the risk of cancer development. It has been proven that, consumption of more than a drink a day increases breast cancer development for up to 20%-25%.
A person is advised to consume as many vegetables and fruits as possible daily. Almost all cruciferous vegetables like: cabbage, broccoli, Brussels, cauliflower and sprouts provide a good protection against breast cancers when consumed. Dark leafy vegetables have also been attributed to breast cancer reduction and they include: kales, collards and spinach. Protection fruits include berries, cherries and citrus while vegetables like tomatoes and carrots have shown a significant reduction of breast cancer risk. The vegetables should be slightly cooked or eaten raw since some essential photochemical responsible for reducing the risk, are highly destroyed by heat.
A regular exercise daily is a must as it provides a very powerful protection in breast cancer prevention. The exercise should include a 30-minute of aerobic exercise like walking or jogging for five days a week. Duration and consistency of the exercise is the key as opposed to intensity. People should be cautions on the types of fats they ingest into their system. Some types of fats have been linked to a cancer risk increase. They include trans fats, saturated fat and omega-6 fats (safflower, cottonseed oil, corn and sunflower). The types of fats which helps in cancer prevention include:
Monounsaturated fats like olive oil, avocados, nuts and canola and omega-3 fats like tuna, sardines, herring, lake trout and salmon as they have potential anticancer effects. A person should stick to a diet low in glycemic index at all times. White rice, sugar, white potatoes and white flour contain high levels of glycemic index of carbohydrates and their intake should be minimized. These foodstuffs trigger changes in hormonal balance, promoting growth of cells in the breasts tissues. These carbohydrate sources should be replaced with beans or legumes and other whole grains. Consumption of whole food such as tempeh, soymilk, edamame, miso, roasted soy nuts and tofu should be encouraged.
Exposure to xeno-estrogens and pharmacologic estrogens should be minimized as its exposure triggers breast cancer development. These included environmental pollutants like industrial chemicals and pesticides. Also the residual hormones in meat, poultry and non-organic dairy products increase the risk of breast cancer development. Some daily supplements are also known to reduce the risk of breast cancer like multivitamin and they should be taken daily.
Maintaining a positive outlook mentally plays a role in relaxing the body. It is very important to get adequate sleep daily and to engage in mutual and warm relationships with friends and family. Keep of stress and depression as they facilitate breast cancer development.
Brian Morse invites you to find out more information about this subject at Thank you for your interest. Next, read about breast cancer financial assistance and how to find it. I like to find answers by way of information.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Menopause Treatment