Saturday, 16 June 2012

Menopause Treatment For Those Who Do Not Want Hormones

For those who are going through menopause and would like to avoid hormones there are many things that may help. Here are some suggestions for how to deal with the problems that I call the big three; hot flashes, insomnia and weight gain.
Hot Flashes
Two thirds of menopausal women suffer from hot flashes. Twenty percent find them insufferable. Hot flashes actually make you feel like you are igniting from the inside out. You can soak your shirt in the blink of an eye. This can be quite embarrassing and downright uncomfortable. What to do?
• Believe it or not there are certain foods that may help stop the hot flashes. A recent study found that eating a half-cup of soy nuts and dividing them up into three or four portions a day cut hot flashes in half. Another study found that keeping a steady blood sugar by eating frequent meals during the day decreased flashing.
• Exercise can reduce body mass and that can decrease the number of hot flashes.
• If these measures fail, there are medications such as SSRI antidepressants that may reduce hot flashes. Herbs such as black cohosh are a popular remedy. Study results have been equivocal. It has helped some of my patients but not others. Certain alternative therapies such as acupuncture and meditation also can help you beat the heat.
Many women find that during and after menopause they have difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep.
• The key is to avoid caffeine and alcohol several hours before bedtime.
• I have found that hypnosis is very effective for helping people get to sleep and fall back to sleep if they wake up in the middle of the night.
• Supplements such as theanine and tryptophan may also be useful.
• It is important to discuss this problem with your doctor. Make sure that any supplement you take is safe with other medications you may have been prescribed.
Weight gain
At menopause, women start to lose muscle at a precipitous rate. This along with slowing metabolism can contribute to weight gain. However, this does not mean it is inevitable.
• Aerobic exercise, strength training and healthy eating can keep menopausal women from gaining weight.
• Hypothyroidism occurs in a large percentage of women at menopause. It is important to have your thyroid function checked if you are gaining weight. Many of the symptoms are similar to menopause so it can be missed.
Menopause can be very manageable without hormones. The key is to eat well, exercise and find a physician who can work with you in partnership to help relieve your symptoms. And remember,
“There is no more creative force in the world than the menopausal woman with zest.” Margaret Mead
It is time to go out there and get some zest!

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