Sunday, 17 June 2012

My Menopause Age

My Menopause Age

How Do I Determine My Menopause Age?
For most women, reaching the end of the reproductive years is a natural cycle. The beginning of the menopause age is usually marked when the menstrual cycle stops for about a year. The average age in the United States range from early to mid fifties. Some women may experience pre menopause symptoms in their early thirties. However, no two women are alike and each woman can tell their own story.
Signs and Symptoms of Menopause
There are many symptons of menopause which may be a different experience for women. Some women may not notice any types of signs while others may notice mood swings, menopause hot flush, weight gain after menopause, and others.
Look at the images below for symptoms of menopause. Does it look familiar? Just to name a few: short term memory, mood swings, hot flushes, dizziness, and bloating... It's all part of the natural process of menopause. Don't worry, you are not the only one going through this phase. Visit my site often as I add more educational information to help women understand their body and seek healthier choice to improve their lifestyle.
Alternative Treatment for Menopause
Why use alternative treatment for menopause when hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be used as a standard treatment? Because the traditional synthetic estrogen and progestins increases the risk of breast cancer and heart disease. Now a days, the health care industry does not routinely ask or prescribe for estrogen replacement therapy. As women are informed and educated about the side effects, more women are seeking natural alternative treatments.
Menopause and Sex
Hormone fluctuation may cause many symptoms including lack of self image and sex drive. There are many therapies available such as hormonal treatments using estrogen or progesterone. However, there are risk and side effects if used for a long time. Natural and alternative menopause treatments such as changing your diet, exercising regularly and lifestyle are healthier choices.
Menopause Cartoons
Menopause cartoonist can bring laughter, joy, and fun for women. I experience hot flashes especially when I am stressed out. When people around me complain about being cold, I am hot and sweating. The following image is provided by Mike @ who is multi talented in drawing cartoons and art.

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